Belvedere Trading at our Core (Values)
Belvedere Trading's Core Values aren't just words - they're the bedrock of our teamwork, pushing us to excel with integrity and respect.

“Compete and succeed at the highest level. Make those around you better. Be the best teammate.”
Team Belvedere

“Share individually in the success of the company. Earn merit-based responsibilities. Balance high expectations and a healthy environment.”
Me In Team

“Act like an owner. Be accountable in all aspects of your role. Take pride in your work.”
Own It

“Embrace the challenge. Be relentless in finishing. Iterative innovation.”
Build Rockets, Not Balloons

“Speak with compassion and an open mind. Listen to understand. Bring new and challenging ideas to the table.”
Passionate Discourse

Individually Focused
Belvedere team members are not only appreciated, but they are rewarded for their hard work & contributions to the firm and each other.
Belvedere Blog
Beyond the spreadsheets and charts, lies a world of possibility. Join the passionate discourse at Belvedere Trading's blog
While coding is integral to software engineering, spending time thinking and planning beforehand leads to better results. Diving into code too quickly can lead to inefficient solutions and wasted effort.
Meet Lisha Guo, our Risk Manager and poker player of 7 years.
Belvedere Trading’s very own Megan Morgan spoke at CBOE Global RMC 2022 on the benefits offered by floor trading in the U.S. options market.
Adam Goldberg, a software engineer at Belvedere Trading, spoke with Built In Chicago to give his take on achieving a flow state.
The Pokerbots competition is an annual month-long showcase where students create bots that compete against each other in a brand-new interesting poker variant for cash prizes. Over the course of the month, students will iterate on and refine their strategies by competing on our scrimmage server, leading up to the final head-to-head tournament.
Melissa Krumdick has worked for Belvedere Trading since the summer of 2016, as an S&P Derivatives Trader.
Gateways play a crucial role in bridging the gap between traders and exchanges, simplifying trading and enabling efficient platform development.
The 2017 summer interns at Belvedere worked on various projects to improve testing, both individually and collaboratively. They faced challenges but ultimately achieved their goals and learned valuable lessons about code and teamwork.
We are releasing Margin, an open source visual system designed for web apps with high information density and users who need to move fast.
Let’s look at how we can manage all the infrastructure pieces to have the ability to spin up pristine autonomous systems.
Is it possible to do everything right and still have our efforts derailed by a rogue application running elsewhere? Yes, it most certainly is. Enter the Inclusive vs. Non-inclusive Last Level Cache (LLC).
Developing TRex in house enabled the technology to be tailored to the needs of the end user, the Quality Assurance Analysts (QAs), here at Belvedere Trading. Our goal for the summer was to create a simulator for the CME that could be extensible to other exchange protocols.
The use of Clang here at Belvedere grew out of a Hackathon project. The goal of the project was to evaluate how it could help us improve the quality of our software and possibly make development easier at the same time.
Belvedere's automated testing pipeline demonstrates the value of automation in improving software quality and developer productivity.
In our inaugural post, we spoke about the importance of Open Source software and the three areas in which we primarily use such software: BT Development Process, Data Persistence and Environment. If you have been an avid reader of our blog, you will have noticed its central theme of continuous integration with an in-depth focus on judging quality.
Belvedere Trading has developed a custom UI Automation framework called Avalanche to improve their testing speed and coverage.
Belvedere's user stories approach focuses on business value, not user roles. They use a unique format that starts with the desired outcome ("In order to...") before specifying the user and functionality. This helps prioritize tasks and ensures everyone understands the goal.
High-stakes performance in a world of microseconds: This article dives into the crucial world of performance management for trading infrastructure, particularly at Belvedere Trading.
Why not replace that manual process with a robot to prevent missing something, as well as save us all more time? This is the thought behind the Sonar Reviewer that we created as part of our Continuous Integration (CI) Pipeline.
Testing our software is ingrained as an essential part of the Belvedere procedure before a code change gets delivered to the hands of the traders.
The article describes the process of migrating a basic SysVinit script for the Splunk Forwarder service to a systemd.service configuration file. It highlights the key differences between the two service management systems and demonstrates how to translate essential functionality while leveraging systemd's features.
Belvedere, a company with significant proprietary code, explains how they integrated their internal Gerrit code review system with a public GitHub account. This allows them to contribute non-proprietary code upstream while minimizing the risk of exposing trade secrets.
Managing R packages is challenging as ensuring specific versions across numerous servers is difficult. While SaltStack's built-in commands offer solutions, custom execution and state modules provide a much more readable and efficient approach, allowing management through pillar data and internal CRAN servers.
Market makers, like Belvedere, constantly push technological boundaries to ensure market stability and customer satisfaction. Recognizing the power of collaboration, Belvedere embraces open source software and aims to "pay it forward" by contributing their own solutions.
What comes to mind when you hear the word constraint?